With an objective of providing information on best practices adopted, and other useful inputs to the farmers, a monthly magazine titled AGRI CLINIC has been launched.
The editorial board headed by Managing Director securitizes and select the articles to be published for the magazine. The contributors of the articles include agri-scientist, farmers and general public.
The magazine is completely in the local language i.e. Telugu so that it can be easily read and understood by the general public. A Telugu monthly magazine dedicated for transferring world class information and technology regarding upcoming trends and techniques in agri and agri related sectors It also identifies and recognizes farmers for their achievements in implementing self-developed techniques in obtaining better yields. It is a content of rich and information driven magazine with its unique style of presentation
The magazine also provides up to date news on topical issues of national and international importance in Agriculture. The magazine also conducts analysis of important farming issues involving biotechnology, farm mechanization, crop protection, horticulture and Animal Husbandry, Food Processing, Agribusiness, Research and extension, High tech Agriculture etc.

The magazine has a tremendous response in the farming society for the articles and issues that it relays and publication of achiever interviews in Agri and Agri related sectors. The articles in the magazine are such that they not only enthuse the farmers but also motivate them to practice eco-friendly organic farming in their farms.
The multi colored magazine first of its kind, is circulated among and is useful to Farmers, Input dealers, Government officials, Agri industries, Agri Research and Academics, Extension workers, Bank and NGO’ involved in rural development. It helps practitioners in upgrading their knowledge levels in the agricultural sector and addresses agricultural issues at State, National & International level by highlighting the problems and trends in Agriculture and nu-al? development.